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I. 政策声明

It is the policy of 在线赌博平台 (在线博彩) to create a workplace that cultivates a healthy and welcoming environment where talented employees are valued and respected. To that end, 鼓励公平的政策, efficient and equitable solutions for problems that arise out of the employment relationship is vital to this workplace.

与我们的核心价值观一致, 以及州和联邦法律, no employee will be penalized or disciplined for pursuing a grievance or for aiding another employee in the presentation of a grievance, 只要采取这种行动是出于善意.  


A healthy and welcoming workplace requires a system to fairly, efficiently, and equitably address concerns arising out of the employment relationship. This policy establishes such procedures for all non-faculty employees, seeking to address complaints that arise out of this relationship.


This grievance procedure is available to all non-faculty employees, 包括试用, temporary, 计时工和按日计酬员工. This grievance procedure does not apply to employees subject to a separate grievance policy.

这项政策适用于有关工资的投诉, 工作时间, 工作条件, 业绩评估, 绩效提高, 工作分配, reprimands, 或者对规则的解释, regulation, or policy that affects the workplace and directly impacts the employee presenting the grievance.

This policy does not apply to actions or decisions that are reviewable and/or addressed pursuant to other policies and procedures provided by the University or that are addressed in other provisions of the 在线博彩操作程序手册 or the 校规校纪.

IV. 本政策的网站地址


V. 相关法规、政策、要求或标准

  1. 在线博彩 or UT System or the 校董会规则 and Regulations
    1. 校董会规则 & 条例第30602条:员工申诉
  2. 国家法规
    1. 德州政府法规 Section 554.002
    2. 德州教育法规 Section 51.960
  3. 在线博彩 HOP政策
    1. 在线博彩 HOP 9.01非歧视原则


如果你对HOP 3有任何疑问.04, Grievances of Non-Faculty员工s, contact the following office(s):

  1. 卓越的人


  1. Grievance: 因雇佣关系而引起的投诉, together with the remedy sought that is identified as a grievance.
  2. Non-Faculty员工 includes:
    1. 行政及专业(A&P);
    2. Classified;
    3. Probationary: a classified employee who is within the initial six (6) months of employment at 在线博彩;
    4. Temporary: an employee whose appointment is for a specific period of time;
    5. 小时计酬:按小时计酬的雇员;
    6. 按需工作:按需要工作的员工.

VIII. 责任

  1. Employee:
    1. Presents grievance in accordance with this policy and its procedures.
    2. 应该清楚地指出他们的投诉是委屈吗, provide a concise statement that explains the specific complaint and include the remedy the employee is requesting.
  2. Supervisor, department head, dean/director/equivalent, appropriate vice provost or vice president (or the administrative equivalent for these administrators):
    1. Responds to employee grievances in accordance with this policy and its procedures.


  1. 非正式申诉解决办法
    1. The employee shall first informally present the grievance and the remedy requested to the supervisor for discussion, 考虑, 和解决 within five (5) workdays from the date of the action that is the subject of the grievance. 如果主管是投诉的对象, the employee may informally present the grievance to the appropriate department head or administrative equivalent for discussion, 考虑, 和解决. 卓越的人 representatives are available for consultation with any involved parties, 应他们的要求.
  2. 正式申诉解决方案
    1. If the informal grievance is not satisfactorily resolved within five (5) workdays of the date the supervisor, or appropriate department head or administrative equivalent was put on notice of the grievance, the employee may formally present the grievance in writing to the next appropriate higher supervisory level (up to the vice president) for 考虑 and action. The formal grievance must be filed within five (5) workdays after the informal grievance resolution period ends. The employee shall also provide a copy of the grievance to the supervisor and to the appropriate HR Business Partner (email to hrbp@luyifamily.com)
      1. The written submission should be clearly identified as a grievance, contain a concise statement that explains the specific complaint, and contain the employee’s recommendation for attaining a sufficient remedy of the complaint.
      2. A written decision by the supervisor that received the formal grievance will be provided to the employee, 直接主管, and the appropriate HR Business Partner within five (5) workdays of receipt of the formal grievance.
    2. 如果员工对这个决定不满意, the employee may file a written appeal to the next higher supervisory level (up to the vice president) within five (5) workdays of the date of the decision. The written appeal must provide a statement why the employee disagrees with the decision. The employee shall copy the supervisor and appropriate HR Business Partner (email to hrbp@utsa.(Edu).
      1. A written decision shall be provided to the employee and the appropriate HR Business Partner within ten (10) workdays of the date the appeal was received.
    3. Grievances not satisfactorily resolved may be appealed in writing to the appropriate vice president or administrative equivalent for the employee’s department within five (5) working days of the date of the appealed decision. The employee shall copy the appropriate HR Business Partner on the written appeal.
      1. The appeal shall state why the decision is not satisfactory.
      2. 在合理的时间内, not to exceed ten (10) workdays following receipt of the appeal, a written decision shall be provided to the employee and the appropriate HR Business Partner.
    4. 副总统的决定是最终决定. The formal grievance process ends once the matter has been reviewed, 一项决定发布了, 由一位副总统.
      1. If the organizational structure does not allow for a review by the vice president over the employee’s department, an appropriate administrator outside of the employee’s division, 在与卓越人才咨询后确定, 是否会审查并发布决定.
    5. The written grievance and all related decisions or responses shall be part of the employee’s file.

X. 初始实施的特殊说明


XI. 表单和工具/在线流程




XIII. 批准/日期修改
