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I. 政策声明

The University of Texas at San Antonio (在线博彩) recognizes the importance of teaching continuity during the long semester 和 the needs of faculty members in this teaching setting with regard to medical conditions for both employee 和 qualified family member. It is the policy of 在线博彩 to require departments to ensure continuity in classroom instruction. 

II. 基本原理

这一政策是为了确保在漫长的学期中课堂教学的连续性. The policy provides an opportunity for a faculty member to request time off from classroom instruction in accordance with the requirements established by law 和 policy with a guarantee of employment.

3. 范围

这项政策适用于所有符合条件的终身教职员工, 终身职位的, (非终身教职)在长学期的教学预算上.

IV. 本政策的网站地址


V. 相关法规、政策、要求或标准

在线博彩或UT系统或校董会规则 & 规定

  1. 校董会 31007规则,第5节,任期
  2. 在线博彩跳 政策4.20, 授权的离开
  3. 在线博彩跳 政策2.10, 教师的连任、任期和晋升
  4. 在线博彩跳 政策9.02, 残疾人士

其他政策 & 标准

  1. 《在线赌博平台》(ADA)
  2. 家庭和医疗休假法(FMLA)

VI. 联系人

如果您对跳 政策2有任何疑问.06 医疗缺勤和教学连续性,联络以下办事处:



7. 定义


8. 责任

    1. 教员
      1. Notifies the department chair 和 人力资源 (of his/her request for leave due to a medical condition [to include pregnancy or adoption] for self or covered family member) with at least thirty (30) days advance notice when foreseeable 和 where practicable.
    2. 系主任
      1. 确保一个合格的教师的服务,教适当的课程, 教员在长学期中不能授课时.
      2. Submits a request for supplemental funds to cover any additional instructional costs to the 迪安, 当没有足够的部门资金时.
      3. Reviews reduced work schedule leave request with the dean 和 coordinates reduced work schedule with faculty member on requested leave beyond the federal FMLA or state parental provisions.
    3. 迪安
      1. Submits a request for supplemental funds to cover any additional instructional costs to the provost, 当没有足够的部门或学院资金时.
      2. 向教员提供减少工作时间的书面通知.
      3. Makes final decision on requests made by faculty member that request leave beyond the federal FMLA or state parental provisions 和 notify the faculty member in writing within a reasonable period of time.
    4. 教务长
      1. 批准院长提交的补充资金申请.
    5. 人力资源
        1. Coordinates with department chair 和 dean on request for medical leave 和 reduced work schedule workload for medical reasons.

    IX. 程序

    1. 休假通知
      1. The faculty member shall notify the department chair 和 人力资源 (with his/her request for leave due to a medical condition [to include pregnancy or adoption] for self or covered family member) with at least thirty (30) days advance notice when foreseeable 和 where practicable). 如果三十(30)天的通知是不可行的, 比如不知道大概什么时候需要开始休假, 通知必须在切实可行的情况下尽快发出.
    2. 申请休假或减少工作时间表的程序
      1. When the department chair receives a request for leave or reduced work schedule made pursuant to the FMLA, 这把椅子, 与人力资源部合作, who will determine whether the faculty member requesting the leave qualifies for FMLA. Once HR determines that the employee is eligible for FMLA 和 that the documentation received supports the request, 员工有权享受FMLA假期.

        A faculty member requesting leave as a reasonable accommodation under the ADA should follow the procedure set out in 在线博彩跳 政策9.02.  When the department chair receives a request for leave as an accommodation under the ADA, 主席将根据要求与人力资源部协调.  The chair will provide the dean with his or her recommendation on the leave request accommodation 和 the dean, 与人力资源部协商, will make the final decision 和 provide that decision in writing to the faculty member. When the department chair receives any other request for medical leave 和/or reduced work schedule for medical reasons that is not covered by FMLA or ADA, 这把椅子, 与人力资源部协调, will provide the dean a recommendation on the leave request 和/or on the proposed reduced work schedule for the faculty member.

        The dean will provide the faculty member a final decision in writing on the leave request 和/or reduced work schedule. A faculty member approved for leave 和/or a reduced work schedule will continue on their regular appointment during the period of this assignment 和 will complete the agreed-upon plan.
    3. 病假的使用
      1. University employees, including faculty, shall use available sick leave, pursuant to 跳 政策4.20.
    4. 延长终身教授的试用期
      1. 参见跳策略2.10 教师的连任、任期和晋升评议 规章制度 系列30000,规则31007,第5节,所有权.

    X. 初始实施的特殊说明


    XI. 表单和工具/在线流程


    十二世. 附录


    十三世. 批准/日期修改


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